This is a project to build a lake house at Land between the Lakes in Dover, TN.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Container Home: Vertical Support Beams in Place - 13 September 2015

I finally made it back to work on the house after three weeks off. I got the vertical support beams welded in place. This is such a relief because it was the most dangerous part of the entire project. Getting that horizontal beam up to the ceiling was a challenge unto itself, but also was scary to step underneath it as it was hanging without vertical beams underneath. I knew it had been secured to the ceiling by welds and the 1,000 pound straps were more than ample to support it, but the scary part was still there. I cut the vertical beams to snugly fit in place. I then coated the sides of the beam that I will never see again with the truck undercoating after sandblasting those sides down. I will be getting back to the rest of the beam later. You can see in the pic below where I placed the plate at the bottom and the vertical beam up the wall.

Here is the final picture of the vertical beams in place after I welded the beams together and to the floor plate. The floor place is there to distribute the weight across the floor. I have to say that I was scared when I went to pull the temporary 4x4's out. I hooked a chain around them and then attached that to my Jeep to pull them out. I didn't want to be inside just in case I had not done something right. Both got pulled out and it was rock solid. I even went on the roof and jumped around. The beams never moved a bit. Here is the final view of the support beams now in place. The next part is going to be sandblasting the outside and coating it with paint so the two sides can be buried.

Location: Dover, TN 37058, USA


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