This is a project to build a lake house at Land between the Lakes in Dover, TN.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Container Home: Installing Final Structural Ceiling I-Beam - 10 April 2016

This weekend, I finished up installing the last of the i-beams down the center of the containers. These give it the structural reinforcements it needs since the center walls were cut out.

Here is the final picture of it after it was welded in place.

The next thing I did was to finish welding the container to the foundation. As you saw earlier in this blog, I inlaid steel in the concrete so the containers could be welded. Here is a picture of one of the welds. This is before I cleaned up the weld.

The next thing I did was to weld the seam down the center of the container. I had to wait on this until I had the I-beams installed because the house jacks sat on that seem holding the beams up while I welded them.

The final thing I did was to temporarily secure the solar panels on the roof. I tied them down with rope so they won't blow off. They will be permanently installed later on when the trees are cut down to make room for them.

Location: Dover, TN 37058, USA


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